The American Psychological Association (APA) has just given a female-to-male transgender graduate student its prestigious “Award for Distinguished Early-Career Contributions to Psychology in the Public Interest.”
My name is Mohammed and I am 28 years old. I am a graduate student living in Cairo. I found Dr. Nicolosi on the Internet at a time when my life was really dark, really painful. I could not stand my same-sex attractions.
“I was the quintessential kid that was set up for homosexuality on several levels. I didn't identify well with my gender, growing up, for various reasons.”
Five men were recruited from the Thomas Aquinas Psychological Clinic while in reparative therapy for issues related to unwanted same-sex Attraction (SSA).
The student has struggled personally with same-sex attractions. In this letter, he seeks to educate his professor about the unmet developmental needs that lay the foundation for homosexual attraction.
My name is Father Bob and I am a 41-year-old Catholic priest who is in residence in a diocese. It was about a month after the passing of my dad when I decided to contact Dr. Joe.
My name is Tom and I am in my fifties. For a long time I had this uncertainty about my sexuality. This came from a combination of things: comments from other people, and questions I had about myself.
The therapy changed my whole mentality for the better. When I started therapy I saw myself as lower than other people, especially when it came to guys.