Articles On Reparative Therapy®
The American Psychological Association (APA) has just given a female-to-male transgender graduate student its prestigious “Award for Distinguished Early-Career Contributions to Psychology in the Public Interest.”
Ex-gay spokesman John Paulk left his wife and three sons after more than 20 years of marriage and rejoined the gay community.
Homosexual behavior is an attempt to “repair” the wound that left the boy alienated from his own innate masculinity.
A prominent psychologist says it is unconscionable to ban therapy to change unwanted homosexuality.
A psychoanalyst explores common developmental problems that lay the foundation for female same-sex attraction.
Gay activists have mobilized to stop clients from obtaining therapy for unwanted homosexual attractions. Falsely claiming that this therapy involves "shaming" the client or giving him electroshock treatment and nausea-inducing drugs, activists have persuaded some legislators to institute therapy bans for minors-- with bans for adults coming next.
No one wants to be the bearer of bad news about a group that has suffered discrimination. But because homosexuality is rooted in a gender wound, the dark side of gay life keeps stubbornly emerging, in spite of public-relations efforts to submerge it.
The primary focus of reparative therapy for men is always on the healing of same-sex relationships. A reparative therapist strongly encourages the establishment of healthy, non-erotic friendships with men.
The problem is not about admitting homosexual boys; it’s about the transmission of an Ideology.
This is the paradox of reparative therapy: it is successful only if the client first faces and accepts his unwanted feelings. The more the person sees the thing inside himself that he rejects, and sees it in the light of truth, the more it dissipates. The task is not to look away from the feelings, but to look through them.
Homosexuality is not fixed and unchangeable, as these public figures reveal. Some of them celebrate their sexual fluidity as a good thing; others believe that the only true expression of sexuality is heterosexuality, since it is consistent with our biological design.
For almost a year now, I have been battling Wikipedia to remove false information about me. To date, they have ignored all of my attempts to correct their errors.
The narcissistic parent loves the child in his own way, yet he interferes with the child’s uniqueness. The child may then unconsciously choose to reject his own gender.
Chiara Atzori, M.D. (pictured above) is a medical doctor in residence at Luigi Sacco hospital in Milan, Italy. Dr. Nicolosi's passing was, she says, a great loss to the scientific community.
Lisa Nolland, an Anglican therapist from the U.K., pays tribute to the trailblazing psychologist whose work and thought have helped her ministry.
The book “A Parent’s Guide to Preventing Homosexuality” by Joseph Nicolosi, published in 2002, is now in the process of being reprinted for a 2016 edition. See comments by some of Dr. Nicolosi’s colleagues.
In a harsh critique of his own profession, a former American Psychological Association president told fellow clinicians at the NARTH Conference that social science is in a state of alarming decline.
In 1973, when the APA removed homosexuality as a disorder, Dr Socarides predicted seven consequences. How true were his predictions?
Dr. Gagnon is considered "the foremost traditionalist interpreter" on the issue of homosexuality in relation to Christianity and the Bible, and has published several books and articles on the subject, such as The Bible and Homosexual Practice.
Dr. Vennum is a psychiatrist with a medical doctor degree from the University of Florida and a masters degree in professional mental health counseling from Liberty University. He is President Elect of NARTH, the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality.
[W]e forge a therapeutic alliance with the client in his desire to grow in heterosexual identity.
“Being queer means pushing the parameters of sex and family, and in the process, transforming the very fabric of society.”
Opponents of the practice say that it involves shaming the client, causing him to deny his true self, and breaking up family ties. I would like to take this opportunity to explain what reparative therapy actually is.
An advocate for gay men and women who are serious about striving to overcome their same-sex orientation and achieving sexual fulfillment heterosexually, Nicolosi--like a voice in the wilderness--audaciously defies conventional psychologists who cling to the belief that changing from homosexuality to heterosexuality is neither possible nor advisable.
In my search for the particular quality of father-son bonding that is fundamental to the development of the boy's masculine identity, I have been led to a phenomenon that I call "a shared delight."