The American Psychological Association (APA) has just given a female-to-male transgender graduate student its prestigious “Award for Distinguished Early-Career Contributions to Psychology in the Public Interest.”
"When Our Brokenness Becomes Our Identity"-- see Coming Down the Mountain by Garrett Johnson.
When an Ex-Gay Man Returns to a Gay Lifestyle
Reflections on the Life and Legacy of Joseph Nicolosi, Sr.
Trauma as the Foundation of Homosexuality
Psych Association Past-President Defends Change Therapy
On the Origins of Lesbianism
The Transgender Dilemma
Client Choice Under Attack
Gay activists have mobilized to stop clients from obtaining therapy for unwanted homosexual attractions. Falsely claiming that this therapy involves "shaming" the client or giving him electroshock treatment and nausea-inducing drugs, activists have persuaded some legislators to institute therapy bans for minors-- with bans for adults coming next.
Why Reveal The Dark Side Of The Gay Movement?
Mother-Son Boundary Violations as Blocks to Heterosexual Feelings
“Homosexuality is Against Art”
Some Thoughts on the Boy Scouts
This is the paradox of reparative therapy: it is successful only if the client first faces and accepts his unwanted feelings. The more the person sees the thing inside himself that he rejects, and sees it in the light of truth, the more it dissipates. The task is not to look away from the feelings, but to look through them.